Was established in 1951, Arch McGrechan was the original President. Metro conducted men’s competition only. In 1957 they purchased shares in Basketball Stadiums Victoria for the purpose of building the old Albert Park Stadium. From 1958 to 1982 Metro conducted competition on courts 1,2,3 & 4.

Southern Districts Basketball Club
Had Junior Teams playing in the Victorian Junior Championships and a Senior Team representing Olympic in the Victorian Men’s Championship. Because this group possessed a strong functioning committee, Ron Burgess suggested that they take over the administration of the Olympic Association. The President Ernie Williams agreed to the take over provided that they could change the name. Thus Southern Districts Basketball Association was born.
Albert Park Basketball Stadium

Olympic Amateur Basketball Association
Was established in 1956 by Ken Watson, they purchased shares in BSV and in 1958 transferred competitions into the Albert Park Stadium. There was a chequered administration but the Secretary Ron Burgess operated the competitions on his own until 1972, at that time the administration was taken over by Southern Districts Spartans.

Victorian Women’s Commission
Was the state body administering the Victorian Champions for Basketball Victoria, this group also conducted 2 grades of Women’s Comp, playing at 6 pm at Albert Park Stadium (in those days the Women needed to get home before dark) A policy decision prompted them to sell the competition to a domestic Association, Southern Districts took over in 1976.

MSDBA came into being in 1982, BSV observed that there were 2 Associations leasing half the stadium for competition. Metro courts 1, 2, 3 & 4 and Southern Districts 5, 6, 7 8 & 9. The suggestion was made to form a combined Association to administer the whole competition which would produce many efficiencies and a better grading of teams. Both Metro & Spartans according to the constitution transferred the associations into the administration of the Trustees. These 6 people formed the Executive of M&SDBA. Gordon Sincock was elected President of the Association and has held the position ever since.
In 1997 all the competitions were transferred to 10 courts at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre. MSAC as it is now know gave the Association a great Venue for Basketball competitions but took away much of the ability for the Association to expand as all available space in the venue is allocated.