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Joining MSD Spartans

We are always looking for new teams at the start of a season, if registrations are not open yet we can let you know by putting your team on the waiting list – click here.

When registrations open(roughly 6 weeks before the start of the season) teams will need to have their team contact register the team online by clicking here.

Once we accept your team entry we will contact you just after the closing date for new teams with your Grading Game time and date. This helps us see what level competition you are suited to, how organised the team is, and view the teams conduct and sportsmanship.

Shortly after the grading game we will contact you to offer you a position in a competition. Unfortunately due to restricted court space and some spaces not becoming available we can not always offer a place in the association.

When a team oragniser registers a team they will be emailed a link to a player registration form which is unique to your team. All players including the team organiser must register as a ‘Player’ each season.

If you do not have your teams link please email us

Yes, however we strongly encourage people to register well before their game starts so they can easily be added to the tablets and not miss out on any game time. 

Yes, all players, including the team organiser must register to every competition season they wish to participate in as a ‘Player’.

The BV Licence payment allows any participant to play as many times, in as many teams as they want, wherever they want across Victoria in a 365 day period for the one fee.

PlayHQ will only require you to pay again if your registration finishes before the end of the season.

Team organisers register the team, and need to register as a ‘player’ to be added to the team sheet. 

If someone manages the team who doesn’t play they may wish to register as the team manager. 

We love people to join our competition with or without a team, sometimes our teams are short of players and ask do we have anyone looking for a team?

We have partnered with Justplay, who enter teams into our competitions made up from individuals looking to play basketball. They act as your team manager and take care of everything, you only need to show up and play.

The Melbourne Basketball Facebook group is another great play to join a team, we have a lot of team contacts/players in the group. You will see people ask to join competitions and also teams reach out when they need players.

They pay $0 – Casual Player Pass / Fill-in can play 2 games max. per year. Player must be fully registered by their 3rd game within a 12 month period.

Note:  There will be a base level of information required for a fill-in/casual player on the court side tablet before taking the court. The scoring system will assist with this process

Competition Questions

Creating a schedule takes time, we work hard on grading teams, filling court space, and trying to get the most even and fair schedule for the entire competition.

Fixtures will be slowly released at the start of the season, this gives us the flexibility to fix any issues.

We kindly ask teams to have patience with us while we work through the process and wait to be contacted.

Teams may pay on game night at the front door with cash/card, or pay online with Teammo. 

Teams who chose to pay with Teammo are able to split the team sheet payment between those who played on the night. 

To sign up to teammo click here –

While we understand 10.10pm games are not everyones favourite, however unfortunately we can not take requests to give teams only early games. If one team is given more early games, it will mean other teams will have to play more late games.

We work our best with the make things as even as possible.

Sure can, a minimum of 4 players must take the court to start a game and only 2 are required to finish a game.

Walkovers are not good for the competition, sometimes it can not be helped, however good planing before the season, and some help from friends or family to fill in can go a long way to still having a game go ahead.

If you have to give a walkover click here, the more notice the better for the opposition and the association.

No uniform, no worries we have you covered. Loan uniforms for new teams, existing teams playing teams with the same colours and that occasion you simply left them at home.

See us at the office off court 7, leave your details, a small fee per item unless it a clash of colours and don’t forget to drop them off after the game so we can wash, dry and let someone else borrow them.

Good competition makes for an enjoyable season.

When you register you have the option to put in a requested competition with a reason for the change. This reason will help decide where we put your team and if the change is reasonable, if you wish to send us more information to help grade your team please email us.

Once the season starts if you are getting beaten or easily beating teams we can review the results of the first three rounds.

With the above two options if a position is available and your request is reasonable we can move your team.

Send us a message through the form below or email with the results you think should be up and we are happy to look rectify the problem.

Our officials are all trained to the standards set by Basketball Victoria and Basketball Australia. As officials are people as well they’re not perfect, we understand that and stress that everyone in sport has some understanding.

If you feel like you need to talk to someone about the officiating we have options for that.

Step 1. During your game seek the referee supervisor, substitutes are a good option to get them. Or use the halftime break.

This helps us view the game and see what is happening.

Step 2. If you couldn’t see the supervisor during the game, they’re available to speak to after the game.

Step 3. Only if you haven’t been satisfied with the response in person, feel free to send an email to us with the details.

We again emphasise steps 1 and 2 as the best option to resolve the issue/concern on the night, as it is harder to work through with all those concerned 7 days later.

As a member of Basketball Victoria all registered players are provide with sports insurance. For full details on what this covers and how to make a claim please visit – 

Finals Questions

A player must qualify for finals by taking the court, or receive a walkover, in a minimum of 5 games during the season for the team they are currently registered to and must be marked off on the scoresheet/tablet.

A bye round does not count as a qualifying game.

Note – Players registered as a ‘Fill in’ will not get games credited.

Exemption requests may be submitted to the Association Staff who will, if required seek guidance from the Executive Committee.

To see how many games you have played please visit the Fixtures/Results section of the website.

The top 4 teams in all competitions will play off in the finals, with some competitions with a large amount of teams may be offered reserve finals for teams placed 5-8th place on the ladder.

The finals layout and games will be published online towards the end of a season.


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