Teams who chose to pay with Teammo are able to split the team sheet payment between those who played on the night. We have a special offer to give teams $30 off the team sheet fee for the first game they play in Round 1 or Round 2 if you have a bye.

To sign up to teammo click here –



It’s the start of a new season please follow the steps below to change your association connection.

Follow the steps below or watch a video tutorial:

Step 1: Navigate to the ‘Edit Team’ page.

You can access this page by clicking on the three dots located next to your team name in the menu, or click the ‘Teams’ button in your menu.

Screenshot of the Teammo dashboard for team managers, highlighting the edit team button

Step 2: Choose the team you want to edit

Click the ‘Edit’ button next to the team you want to update or change the association connection for.

Step 3: Click ‘Change Association Connection’ button

Step 4: Connect your team

Select your association, competition, section and team name. Then, click the ‘Select Team’ button. To finalise your connection, click ‘Confirm Details’.

You have now connected your team to your association. If there are games loaded in Teammo, you will see these on your dashboard page. This means you can start paying for upcoming games.