- Players Registration New players must be registered on the back of the scoresheet, or on a registration card. With 5 or less rounds remaining in the regular season, an unregistered player must seek the approval of the Executive Committee before registering.
- Visit spartansbasketball.net.au and select ‘FIXTURES/RESULTS’ tab on the top menu.
- Select your competitions ‘RESULTS’.
- Select your Team by clicking on your Team Name.
- This will show the team list of registered players. Under ‘M’ for matches will be the total number of qualified games per player.
- Tuesday Finals Qualifications A player must qualify for finals by taking the court, or receive a walkover in a minimum of 5 games during the season. A bye round does not count as a qualifying game.Wednesday Finals Qualifications A player must qualify for finals by taking the court, or receive a walkover in a minimum of 5 games during the season, players who do not score or foul must sign the back of the scoresheet. A bye round does not count as a qualifying round. 6.2.3. Exemption requests may be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing.
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